April 28 is Superhero Day In 1995, Marvel Comics employees reached out to people in their communities in Pennsylvania to ask them what superpowers they wished they had. Many of the answers were obviously inspired by the fictional superheroes they loved, such as Superman's strength and ability to fly. However, many of them answered that they would like to have the qualities of the real heroes they knew and admired in real life. So, on April 28, 1995, the first ever National Superhero Day was celebrated, in honor of all the superheroes who acted as role models for so many of us. Whether they wear fancy capes and suits, or whether they look like any normal person that we know. Superheroes are among our most beloved fictional characters. We see them in movies, on TV, and also at comic book stores. We also see superheroes everywhere in real life. They’re part of our daily lives and help inspire us to be our best selves. Superheroes are more than just stories for kids. They’re also a w...
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